Personal workout

Skiff, rowing tours, coaching, flexible hours

Personal workout

Alongside the regular courses, Berlagebrug Rowing Center offers personal workouts all year round. Our coaches will work with you on a tailor-made program. This could go from improving your technique to setting physical goals. Signing up for a Personal workout includes consultation with your personal coach about the program you would like to follow. Personal workouts are offered on all levels of rowing.

Benefits Personal workouts:

  • Intensive, personal coaching (both in the rowing tank and in the boat on the water)
  • Personalized sessions that will fit your rowing experience and wishes.
  • We can schedule your session on the day and time of your preference.

1 hour or longer


At least 3 days ahead

Roeicentrum Berlagebrug
Weesperzijde 1094
1097 DS Amsterdam
Map & Directions

Januari – December

€79,- per hour (1 person)
€99,- per hour (2 persons)
€119,- per hour (3/4 persons)
