Development rowing course

Deepen your knowledge of rowing!

Development rowing course

The Development program is designed for individuals who have already completed the Novice/Beginner course or have some prior rowing experience. The course focuses on improving technique and building endurance, with the aim of allowing rowers to continue to progress and improve their skills.

This course places higher emphasis on refining rowing skills, improving performance on the water and developing a better understanding of the sport. The aim is to help rowers achieve greater proficiency, whether they are looking to train at a higher level or simply want to continue to improve their skills and enjoy rowings’ many benefits.

Overview of the course:

  • 1 hour per class
  • Suitable for everyone who have completed the Beginner course
  • Rowing in a team
  • Learn basic technique in theory and practice
  • Coaching and guidance from our rowing instructors

When you have completed both the Beginner & Development course, you can take on a new challenge and sign up for the experienced course! You will be learning to scull (row with two oars); new skills and even more boat speed will be waiting for you.

Completion of Beginner Course

Duration per course
8 weeks

8 lessons of 1 hour each

Weesperzijde 1094
1097 DS Amsterdam
Kaart & Routebeschrijving

Start dates
January – December
Annual program


Your first lesson
Please check in 5-10 minutes early with the Coordinator, he or she will be next to our bar. Our coordinator will introduce you to your instructor and teammates.

TopRow Amsterdam heeft uitstekende faciliteiten. De omkleedruimtes en douches zijn voor zowel groepen als individuen ingericht. Voor al uw waardevolle voorwerpen zijn er kluisjes beschikbaar. Ná uw roeiles zal Team TopRow voor u klaarstaan achter de bar om drankjes en hapjes te serveren op ons uniek gelegen, vaak zonovergoten terras aan de waterkant. Met hartje Amsterdam op steenworp afstand kunt u gemakkelijk even afstand nemen van de stadse hectiek en genieten van een ontspannende roeiles.

De beste kleding om in te roeien is elastisch, zacht en ademend in combinatie met een eenvoudig paar sportschoenen. Losse broeken of T-shirts kunnen verstrikt raken in de wieltjes onder de bewegend roeizitjes. Losse tops kunnen blijven haken in de riemen (roeispaan). Vermijd daarom volumineuze jassen of sweatshirts. Over het algemeen is het advies om u zo te kleden alsof u gaat hardlopen; met strakke broek en shirt/jas. 
Extra tips:
• waterflesje
• petje (tegen de zon of regen)


What is a rowing course and how does it work?

At 6 times in the year, a rowing course of 8 weeks starts. You can sign up individually. We will schedule you together a team of up to 4 people. You can also compose a team of 4 people yourself.

I've never rowed before. For which rowing course can I register the best?

The Beginner course is for everyone with or without any rowing experience!

What happens if I complete the Beginner course 1?

You can then sign up for the follow-up course: The Development. 

And after the Developed course?

You can start with the Experienced course. 

Where can I sign up for a rowing course?

On the homepage, as well as on the page of the relevant course.

When will I receive a confirmation of my registration in a team?

After completing and submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation in the mail that the form has been sent. In the week preceding the course you will receive an email with the day and time we have been able to schedule you. 

I am going on holiday during the course, but want to row. Is that possible?

With the exception of the Learn to Row course 1, existing customers can book a separate extra lesson. You then call us on that day (morning from 8:30 am and evening from 4:30 pm) so the head coach can see if there is a place available in a team with the same level of experience. The price of a loose lesson is €29.


Do lessons proceed in bad weather?

Yes! Rowing is an outdoor sport that has proceeds in all weather types. Also with rainy and windy conditions. If the weather is so bad that we cannot proceed outside, an alternative program will be organized.

Should I be able to swim?

In order to participate in all rowing activities at the Rowing center, you must be in possession of swimming diploma A (or similar).

Are there also rowing courses for juniors?

For children aged 10 to 14 years we have special youth rowing courses. You can read more about this under the heading ‘ Courses ‘. In addition we organize in the holidays ‘Splashweken’ for youth.

Wat is het restitutie beleid?

When signing up for the rowing course you agree to the Terms and Conditions. Once you are scheduled for the course there is no refund of the amount possible. The withdrawal of the course is possible up to 2 weeks before the course starts. We will charge an amount of €25,- administration fees in that case.
